LeapCa是一个面向中国跨境和跨境人的综合推广平台网站,是一个中文跨境电商海外推广平台和红人营销平台,是为中国的跨境运营、电商从业者及其他人员提供海外推广及引流服务的平台。LeapCa非常重视用户的隐私,非常感谢您的信任,选择LeapCa为您提供服务。为更好地保障用户隐私,LeapCa特别从如下几方面对您在使用 LeapCa服务过程中,我们是如何收集、使用、存储、分享您的个人信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、删除和保护这些信息的方式做出如下具体说明。 一、LeapCa可能收集的信息内容 二、LeapCa收集信息的使用规则 三、LeapCa如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息 四、LeapCa如何使用Cookie 和同类技术 五、LeapCa如何保护和保存您的个人信息 六、您如何管理个人信息 七、未成年人信息的保护 八、隐私政策的修订和更新 九、如何联系我们 请您在使用LeapCa所有产品及服务前,仔细阅读本隐私政策,并确定了解我们对您个人信息的收集、处理等规则。如您不同意本隐私政策的任何条款,请立即停止注册及使用LeapCa相关产品或服务,如您选择继续注册或使用LeapCa相关产品或服务,即代表您认可并接受本隐私政策的全部内容。 一、LeapCa可能收集的信息内容 LeapCa收集的个人信息主要包括您注册时提供的个人信息以及在使用LeapCa相关产品即服务过程中授权LeapCa获取的信息以及第三方分享有关您的信息。个人信息指您的姓名、证件号码、联系方式、住址、账号密码、财产状况、行踪轨迹等,以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别您身份或者反映您活动情况的各种信息。 1.1主动提供的信息 (1)您在注册或使用LeapCa产品及服务过程中,您主动提供的姓名、证件号码、手机号、电子邮箱等信息。您选择使用第三方账号登录时,LeapCa会收集您微信、QQ、微博等第三方账号、图像、昵称等信息。 (2)您在使用LeapCa产品及服务过程中上传的信息。 (3)您在参加LeapCa举办的线上及线下活动过程中提供的信息。 1.2产品及服务使用过程中收集的信息 (1)设备信息 您在使用LeapCa相关产品及服务过程中,我们将收集您登录设备的信息,包括设备名称、设备型号、设备识别码、操作系统和应用程序版本、语言设置、分辨率、服务提供商网络ID(PLMN)相关信息,以更好地为您提供服务。 (2)日志信息 您在使用LeapCa产品或服务过程中,我们可能通过cookies或其他方式自动收集某些信息并存储在服务器日志中的网页搜索词语、访问的页面地址、用户习惯统计数据等,以及您使用的版本信息、浏览器、IP地址信息,还有您使用产品及服务过程中系统崩溃等信息。 (3)位置信息 您在使用LeapCa产品及服务过程中开启设备定位功能,我们可能会使用GPS、WiFi或其他技术方式收集和处理有关您行踪轨迹、精准地址位置等实际所在位置的信息。 1.3如果您不同意将上述信息提供给LeapCa使用,可能会影响您使用LeapCa产品及服务以及用户体验质量。 二、LeapCa收集信息的使用规则 2.1 LeapCa收集信息可能用于如下用途 (1)您提供的个人信息将用于登录及使用产品及服务过程中的身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、存档和备份等用途,以确定您身份的唯一性,并保障LeapCa向您提供服务的安全性。 (2)改善LeapCa提供产品及服务过程,满足用户个人需求,提升用户体验。例如,收集您的浏览信息、兴趣爱好等信息,用于向您推送您感兴趣的资讯、广告。收集您在问卷调查、与平台客服进行沟通过程中的系列信息,提升客户服务体验。 (3)在法律规定范围内,LeapCa可能将本平台收集的信息提供给其他关联方,或将您的信息用于分析设计新产品及服务。 (4)经您同意的其他用途。 2.2 LeapCa收集信息的使用规则 (1)LeapCa会采取一切合理可行的安全防护措施保护用户信息,防止用户信息遭到未经授权的访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。 (2)收集您的个人信息后,LeapCa将通过技术手段对数据进行去标识化处理,使您的信息无法被识别主体。您同意个人信息在通过上述处理后,LeapCa有权对用户数据库进行分析并予以商业化的利用。 (3)您同意在未注销账户或进行特别设置的情况下,LeapCa在您账户有效期间内按照本隐私政策约定持续使用您的信息。 (4)LeapCa在产品创新以及优化服务过程中,可能会与第三方或公众共享基于您提供信息或授权信息形成的数据,但LeapCa不会体现可以识别您身份的信息。 (5)LeapCa使用您的信息时,将采取匿名化、信息替换等脱敏措施保护您的个人隐私及信息安全。 (6)LeapCa在将您的信息用于本隐私政策未列明的用途时,将事先获取您的同意。 三、LeapCa如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息 3.1我们不会与任何公司、组织和个人共享您的个人信息,但以下情况除外: (1)在获取您明确同意的情况下,我们会与其他方共享您的个人信息。 (2)我们可能会根据法律法规规定、诉讼争议解决需要,或按行政、司法机关依法提出的要求,对外共享您的个人信息。 (3)为维护LeapCa、LeapCa的关联方或合作伙伴、您或其他LeapCa用户或社会公众利益、财产或安全免遭损害,在法律允许的范围内,共享您的个人信息。 (4)LeapCa关联方或旗下其他产品向您提供服务时,我们有权共享您的个人必要信息,且我们会告知关联方严格遵守本隐私政策的规定。关联方如要改变个人信息目的,应再次获得您的授权同意。 (5)我们将基于合法、正当、必要、特定、明确的目的,在为您提供服务过程中,可能会向合作伙伴及第三方共享您的订单信息、账户信息、设备信息以及位置信息等必要个人信息,以保障为您提供的服务顺利完成。 (6)基于符合法律法规的社会公共利益而使用。 3.2转让 我们不会将您的个人信息转让给任何公司、组织和个人,但以下情况除外: (1)事先获得您明确的同意或授权。 (2)根据适用的法律法规、法律程序的要求、强制性的行政或司法要求所必须的情况进行提供。 (3)符合与您签署的相关协议(包括在线签署的电子协议以及相应的平台规则)或其他的法律文件约定所提供。 (4)在涉及合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本隐私政策的约束,否则,我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。 3.3公开披露 (1)您同意或授权LeapCa披露的。 (2)您使用共享功能的。 (3)根据法律、法规的要求、强制性的行政执法或司法要求所必须提供您个人信息的情况下,LeapCa可能会依据所要求的个人信息类型和披露方式公开披露您的个人信息。在符合法律法规的前提下,当LeapCa收到上述披露信息的请求时,我们会要求其必须出具与之相应的法律文件,如调查函等。LeapCa将依据审慎原则进行披露,以确保其具备合法依据,且仅限于执法部门因特定调查目的且有合法权利获取的数据。 (4)符合LeapCa相关产品和服务的用户协议或其他类似协议的规定。 四、LeapCa如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术 4.1为保障网站正常运行,提升用户个人体验,LeapCa会通过Cookie技术让网站服务器将数据存储在客户端或从客户端中读取数据。Cookie处理的信息一般均需经过加密,Cookie技术会使您的用户体验得到良好提升。 4.2使用Cookie的目的主要包括身份验证,保障您登录账户的安全性;按照您希望的方式对服务方式及个性化选择进行偏好设置;排查产品服务、作弊等行为以及广告优化等方面。 4.3您可以根据自己的需求,选择删除Cookie,或对Cookie进行管理,但您采取删除等措施时,您之前记录的信息都将被删除,且每登录一次,均需要更改用户设置,可能会对您使用LeapCa服务的安全性、用户体验性产生一定影响。 五、LeapCa如何保护和保存您的个人信息 5.1数据安全技术措施 (1)LeapCa会采用符合业界标准的安全防护措施,包括建立合理的制度规范、安全技术来防止您的个人信息遭到未经授权的访问使用、修改、避免数据的损坏或丢失。 (2)LeapCa提供的网络服务采取通过https等方式提供浏览服务,保障用户数据在传输过程中的安全。我们将使用安全技术和程序监测、记录网络运行状态、网络安全事件,并采取必要的技术措施保障网络安全,以防信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权阅览或披露。 (3)LeapCa将采取严格的数据访问权限控制和多重身份认证技术保护个人信息,避免数据被违法违规使用。 5.2严格限制接触途径 LeapCa仅允许有必要知晓您个人信息的LeapCa及LeapCa关联方的员工、合作伙伴访问个人信息,并为此设置了严格的访问权限控制和监控机制。我们同时要求可能接触到您个人信息的所有人员履行相应的保密义务。如果未能履行这些义务,可能会被追究法律责任或被中止与LeapCa的合作关系。 5.3您在使用LeapCa的产品和服务时所提供、上传或发布的内容和信息(例如有关您个人的课程内容,活动的照片等信息),可能会泄露您的个人信息,您在使用上述服务过程前,应谨慎的考量是否接受LeapCa提供的相关服务。 5.4互联网并不是绝对安全的网络环境,且电子邮件、即时通讯、社交跨境等与其他用户的交流方式无法确定是否完全加密,LeapCa建议您使用此类工具时请使用复杂密码,并注意保护您的个人信息安全。否则,因您自身原因导致密码丢失、信息泄露等情形,由您自行承担全部责任。 5.5安全事件处置 (1)鉴于存在个人信息泄露、毁损以及丢失的风险,LeapCa建立了多项安全制度,明确安全事件、安全漏洞的类别等级,并制定了相关的处理流程。同时,LeapCa组建了专门的应急响应团队,按照公司有关安全事件处置规范要求,针对不同安全事件启动安全预案,进行止损、分析、制定补救措施、联合相关部门进行溯源和打击。 (2)如发生安全事件,LeapCa将按照法律法规的要求,及时向您告知安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、拟采取的补救措施等。我们还会及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。 六、您如何管理个人信息 6.1 LeapCa非常重视您对个人信息的保护,并在法律允许的范围内尽全力保护您对个人信息访问、更正、删除以及撤回同意的权利,以使您充分保障您的隐私和安全。您的权利包括: (1)访问、修改、删除您的个人信息 您有权访问、修改、删除您的个人信息,但相关信息的删除或修改可能会影响您对相关产品或服务的使用或导致部分功能的实现,访问、修改、删除的具体途径详见LeapCa各产品及服务页面公布内容,或者您可以通过第九条“如何联系我们”进行沟通调整。 (2)改变您授权同意的范围或撤回您的授权 您有权改变您授权同意的范围或撤回您的授权;您可以通过删除信息、关闭设备功能、或在相应产品或服务的网站或应用程序“设置”中进行隐私设置,改变您授权LeapCa继续收集个人信息的范围或撤回您的授权。您也可以通过注销账户的方式,撤回LeapCa继续收集您个人信息的授权。 (3)注销账户 您可以通过LeapCa的具体产品或服务“设置”中所公布的注销方式或通过第九条所列联系方式申请注销相关账户,我们会根据您的账号安全状态以及产品服务信息,判断您是否满足注销条件。您注销账户后,LeapCa将停止为您提供与账号相关的产品或服务功能,并将删除或匿名化处理您的个人信息,除法律法规另有规定或您另有要求外。 6.2如果您无法访问、修改或删除您的个人信息,或您需要访问、修改或删除您在使用LeapCa产品、服务时所产生的其他个人信息,或您认为LeapCa存在任何违反法律法规或与您关于个人信息的收集或使用的约定,您可通过第九条所列联系方式与我们联系。 七、未成年人信息的保护 7.1 LeapCa非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。若您是18周岁以下的未成年人,在使用我们的产品或服务前,应事先取得您家长或法定监护人的书面同意。LeapCa将根据未成年人相关法律规定保障其合法权益不受侵害。 7.2 LeapCa鼓励监护人指导未成年人使用LeapCa的产品和服务,并建议未成年人鼓励其监护人阅读本政策。 7.3对于经未成年人父母或法定监护人同意而收集未成年人个人信息的情况,LeapCa仅在法律允许的范围内,在获得父母或监护人明确同意或者保护未成年人所必要的情况下使用或公开披露相关信息。 八、隐私政策的修订和更新 8.1随着LeapCa的不断发展以及不断提升服务质量及产品品质的宗旨,本隐私政策也会随之修订,更新。我们不会在未经您同意的情况下,限制或减少您依据本隐私政策享有的权利。修订、更新后的隐私政策将在LeapCa网站、移动客户端上进行公告,或者以其他方式对变更之处进行提示。对于重大变更,我们将通过邮件、短信、在浏览页面做出特别提示等方式进行通知说明。 8.2若您继续使用LeapCa产品和服务,即表示您同意接受修订、更新后隐私政策的约束,否则,请您立即停止使用LeapCa相关产品和服务。 九、如何联系我们 9.1如您对本隐私政策或您个人信息的相关事宜有任何问题、意见或建议,请拨打电话0755-84870792,或发送邮件至hi@leapca.com与我们进行联系。
LeapCa is a comprehensive promotion platform website for Chinese cross-border and cross-border people. It is a Chinese cross-border e-commerce overseas promotion platform and celebrity marketing platform. It is a platform for cross-border operations, e-commerce practitioners and other personnel in China. A platform for promotion and drainage services. LeapCa attaches great importance to user privacy, thank you very much for your trust and choose LeapCa to provide you with services. In order to better protect the privacy of users, LeapCa will provide you with information on how we collect, use, store, and share your personal information in the process of using LeapCa services from the following aspects, as well as the access, update, deletion and The method of protecting this information is explained in detail as follows. 1. Information content that LeapCa may collect 2. LeapCa use rules for collecting information 3. How does LeapCa share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information 4. How does LeapCa use Cookies and similar technologies 5. How does LeapCa protect and store your personal information 6. How do you manage personal information 7. Protection of minors’ information 8. Revision and update of privacy policy 9. How to contact us Please read this privacy policy carefully before using all LeapCa products and services, and be sure to understand our rules on the collection and processing of your personal information. If you do not agree to any terms of this privacy policy, please stop registering and using LeapCa-related products or services immediately. If you choose to continue to register or use LeapCa-related products or services, it means that you recognize and accept the entire content of this privacy policy. 1. Information content that LeapCa may collect The personal information collected by LeapCa mainly includes the personal information you provide when you register, the information authorized by LeapCa to obtain information in the process of using LeapCa-related products as a service, and the sharing of information about you by third parties. Personal information refers to your name, ID number, contact information, address, account password, property status, whereabouts, etc., which are recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify you individually or in combination with other information or reflect your activities. information. 1.1 Unsolicited information (1) When you register or use LeapCa products and services, you actively provide your name, ID number, mobile phone number, e-mail address and other information. When you choose to log in with a third-party account, LeapCa will collect your WeChat, QQ, Weibo and other third-party accounts, images, nicknames and other information. (2) The information you upload while using LeapCa products and services. (3) The information you provide during your participation in online and offline activities held by LeapCa. 1.2 Information collected during the use of products and services (1) Equipment information When you use LeapCa-related products and services, we will collect information about your login device, including device name, device model, device identification code, operating system and application version, language setting, resolution, service provider network ID ( PLMN) related information to better serve you. (2) Log information During your use of LeapCa products or services, we may automatically collect certain information through cookies or other methods and store it in server logs. Web search terms, visited page addresses, user habits statistics, etc., as well as the version information you use , Browser, IP address information, and system crashes during your use of products and services. (3) Location information When you turn on the device positioning function when you use LeapCa products and services, we may use GPS, WiFi or other technical methods to collect and process information about your actual location, such as your track, precise address and location. 1.3 If you do not agree to provide the above information to LeapCa for use, it may affect your use of LeapCa products and services and the quality of user experience. 2. LeapCa use rules for collecting information 2.1 The information collected by LeapCa may be used for the following purposes (1) The personal information you provide will be used for identity verification, customer service, security, archiving and backup during login and use of products and services, to determine the uniqueness of your identity and to ensure that LeapCa provides you with services Security. (2) Improve the process of LeapCa providing products and services to meet the personal needs of users and enhance user experience. For example, collect your browsing information, hobbies and other information, and use it to push you information and advertisements that interest you. Collect a series of information from you in the process of questionnaire surveys and communication with platform customer service to improve customer service experience. (3) Within the scope of the law, LeapCa may provide the information collected on this platform to other related parties, or use your information to analyze and design new products and services. (4) Other purposes approved by you. 2.2 LeapCa's usage rules for collecting information (1) LeapCa will take all reasonable and feasible security measures to protect user information and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of user information. (2) After collecting your personal information, LeapCa will use technical means to de-identify the data so that your information cannot be identified by the subject. You agree that LeapCa has the right to analyze the user database and make commercial use of the personal information after the above processing. (3) You agree that LeapCa will continue to use your information in accordance with this privacy policy during the validity period of your account without canceling your account or making special settings. (4) In the process of product innovation and service optimization, LeapCa may share data based on the information you provide or authorized information with third parties or the public, but LeapCa will not reflect the information that can identify you. (5) When LeapCa uses your information, it will take desensitization measures such as anonymization and information replacement to protect your personal privacy and information security. (6) LeapCa will obtain your consent in advance when using your information for purposes not specified in this privacy policy. 3. How does LeapCa share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information 3.1 We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances: (1) With your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties. (2) We may share your personal information with external parties in accordance with laws and regulations, the need for litigation dispute resolution, or the requirements of administrative and judicial organs in accordance with the law. (3) In order to protect the interests, property or safety of LeapCa, LeapCa's affiliates or partners, you or other LeapCa users or the public from damage, share your personal information within the scope permitted by law. (4) When LeapCa affiliates or other products of LeapCa provide you with services, we have the right to share your necessary personal information, and we will inform the affiliates to strictly abide by the provisions of this privacy policy. If the related party wants to change the purpose of personal information, it shall obtain your authorization and consent again. (5) We will share your order information, account information, equipment information and location information with partners and third parties based on legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes. Personal information to ensure the smooth completion of the service provided to you. (6) Use based on social public interest in compliance with laws and regulations. 3.2 Transfer We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following cases: (1) Obtain your explicit consent or authorization in advance. (2) Provide information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements. (3) Provided in accordance with relevant agreements signed with you (including electronic agreements signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents. (4) When it comes to mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, if it involves the transfer of personal information, we will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy, otherwise, we will The company or organization is required to seek authorization and consent from you again. 3.3 Public disclosure (1) You agree to or authorize LeapCa to disclose. (2) You use the sharing function. (3) In cases where your personal information must be provided in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, LeapCa may publicly disclose your personal information based on the required personal information types and disclosure methods. Under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, when LeapCa receives the above-mentioned request for information disclosure, we will require it to issue corresponding legal documents, such as investigation letters. LeapCa will disclose in accordance with the principle of prudence to ensure that it has a legal basis and is limited to data obtained by law enforcement agencies for specific investigation purposes and with legal rights. (4) Comply with the provisions of the user agreement or other similar agreements for LeapCa related products and services. Fourth, how LeapCa uses cookies and similar technologies 4.1 In order to ensure the normal operation of the website and improve the user's personal experience, LeapCa will use Cookie technology to allow the website server to store data on the client or read data from the client. The information processed by cookies generally needs to be encrypted. Cookie technology will improve your user experience. 4.2 The purpose of using cookies mainly includes identity verification, to ensure the security of your login account; to set preferences for service methods and personalized choices in the way you want; to investigate product services, cheating and other behaviors, as well as advertising optimization. 4.3 You can choose to delete cookies or manage cookies according to your needs, but when you take measures such as deletion, your previously recorded information will be deleted, and every time you log in, you need to change user settings, which may be Your use of LeapCa services will have a certain impact on the security and user experience. 5. How does LeapCa protect and store your personal information 5.1 Data security technical measures (1) LeapCa will adopt safety protection measures that comply with industry standards, including the establishment of reasonable system specifications and safety technologies to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, and data damage or loss of your personal information. (2) The network service provided by LeapCa adopts HTTPS and other methods to provide browsing services to ensure the safety of user data during transmission. We will use security technology and procedures to monitor and record network operation status and network security incidents, and take necessary technical measures to ensure network security to prevent information loss, improper use, unauthorized reading or disclosure. (3) LeapCa will adopt strict data access control and multi-identity authentication technology to protect personal information and prevent data from being used in violation of laws and regulations. 5.2 Strictly restrict access routes LeapCa only allows employees and partners of LeapCa and LeapCa affiliates who need to know your personal information to access personal information, and has set up strict access control and monitoring mechanisms for this purpose. We also require all personnel who may have access to your personal information to perform corresponding confidentiality obligations. If you fail to fulfill these obligations, you may be investigated for legal responsibility or the partnership with LeapCa may be suspended. 5.3 The content and information you provide, upload or publish when you use LeapCa's products and services (such as information about your personal course content, activity photos, etc.) may reveal your personal information. You are using the above-mentioned services. Before, you should carefully consider whether to accept the relevant services provided by LeapCa. 5.4 The Internet is not an absolutely secure network environment, and the communication methods with other users such as e-mail, instant messaging, social cross-border, etc. cannot be determined whether they are completely encrypted. LeapCa recommends that you use complex passwords when using such tools and take care to protect you Security of personal information. Otherwise, you will be solely responsible for the loss of your password or information leakage due to your own reasons. 5.5 Security incident handling (1) In view of the risks of personal information leakage, damage and loss, LeapCa has established a number of security systems to clarify the categories and levels of security incidents and security vulnerabilities, and formulate related processing procedures. At the same time, LeapCa set up a special emergency response team, in accordance with the company's relevant security incident handling specifications, initiate security plans for different security incidents, stop losses, analyze, formulate remedial measures, and cooperate with relevant departments to trace and crack down. (2) In the event of a security incident, LeapCa will promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures that have been taken or to be taken, suggestions that you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and plans in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. Remedial measures taken, etc. We will also promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. If it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will adopt a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement. At the same time, it will also actively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities. 6. How do you manage personal information 6.1 LeapCa attaches great importance to the protection of your personal information, and does its best to protect your rights to access, correct, delete and withdraw consent to personal information within the scope permitted by law, so that you can fully protect your privacy and safety. Your rights include: (1) Access, modify and delete your personal information You have the right to access, modify, and delete your personal information, but the deletion or modification of related information may affect your use of related products or services or lead to the realization of some functions. For the specific ways of access, modification, and deletion, see LeapCa The content is published on the product and service page, or you can communicate and adjust through Article 9 "How to Contact Us". (2) Change the scope of your authorization or withdraw your authorization You have the right to change the scope of your authorization or to withdraw your authorization; you can change your authorization for LeapCa to continue to collect by deleting information, turning off device functions, or setting privacy settings in the website or application "settings" of the corresponding product or service The scope of personal information or withdraw your authorization. You can also withdraw LeapCa's authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account. (3) Account cancellation You can apply for cancellation of the relevant account through the cancellation method announced in the "Settings" of the specific product or service of LeapCa or through the contact information listed in Article 9. We will determine whether you are satisfied with the cancellation according to the security status of your account and product service information condition. After you cancel your account, LeapCa will stop providing you with product or service functions related to your account, and will delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise required by you. 6.2 If you are unable to access, modify or delete your personal information, or if you need to access, modify or delete other personal information generated when you use LeapCa products and services, or if you believe that LeapCa has any violation of laws and regulations or related to you For the agreement on the collection or use of personal information, you can contact us through the contact methods listed in Article 9. 7. Protection of minors’ information 7.1 LeapCa attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the written consent of your parent or legal guardian before using our products or services. LeapCa will protect the legal rights of minors from infringement in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. 7.2 LeapCa encourages guardians to guide minors to use LeapCa's products and services, and recommends that minors encourage their guardians to read this policy. 7.3 With regard to the collection of personal information of minors with the consent of the minor’s parents or legal guardians, LeapCa will only use or disclose it to the extent permitted by law, with the explicit consent of the parents or guardians, or when necessary to protect the minors. Disclose relevant information. 8. Revision and update of privacy policy 8.1 With the continuous development of LeapCa and the aim of continuously improving the quality of services and products, this privacy policy will be revised and updated accordingly. We will not limit or reduce your rights under this privacy policy without your consent. The revised and updated privacy policy will be announced on the LeapCa website, mobile client, or other ways to remind the changes. For major changes, we will notify and explain through emails, text messages, and special reminders on the browsing page. 8.2 If you continue to use LeapCa products and services, it means that you agree to be bound by the revised and updated privacy policy. Otherwise, please stop using LeapCa related products and services immediately. 9. How to contact us 9.1 If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this privacy policy or your personal information, please call 0755-84870792, or send an email to hi@leapca.com to contact us.